Why Should You Choose Egg Freezing for Your Pregnancy Journey?

It may be a little controversial topic to discuss, “What Should I Choose – Career Concentration or Giving Birth to a Baby at the Golden Age of Fertility”. Nowadays, women are equally concerned about their careers and professional life. They often focus on their profession, and financial stability, and prefer dropping the idea of getting married at the early age of their 20s and then a mom in the 22nd or something 25th year of life. Crossing the age of 35-40 years is full of risk for conceiving as chances of miscarriage may increase or complications may increase. It is not sure the baby will be healthy enough. The menstrual cycle is also disturbed in this age group. Earlier, it was said that becoming a mother after crossing the age of 45 was almost impossible. However, myths are broken, and conceiving at a later age is also possible, but not naturally.

Egg freezing in Mumbai

Egg Freezing for Development of Embryo Later through IVF

It is possible through IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization – an Assisted Reproductive Technology or ART that is totally laboratory-based with the retrieval of eggs (or frozen eggs) fertilized in the lab with sperms of the partner to develop an embryo. More embryos are developed to transfer to a single one and keep others preserved in case one fails. The embryo transfer procedure is completed with the observation of a specialist – followed by the pregnancy test to confirm everything is in the right direction.

The interesting thing is that you can be a mom of your own eggs of a healthy young age through egg freezing in Mumbai – the procedure of retrieving eggs and freezing them in cryopreservation plates for the time to come. In this way, your motherhood desire will be to stay alive to become a mom at a later age with your own eggs.

No Need to Worry About Infertility and Inability to Conceive at Later Age

It is an ideal way for those who often blame infertility on their journey to conceiving. There is no denying the act that age plays a crucial role in determining your chances of getting pregnant. With aging, the chances of healthy eggs being developed start decreasing considerably. It can be a hindrance if you want to have a child. In some cases, women don’t find a healthy partner and some prioritize their careers. For them, the freezing process is ideal way that is done at the recognized egg freezing clinic in Mumbai or you can get it done in your city. When eggs are frozen, they are free from the aging process. Their actual age starts, when they are thawed in the lab for fertilization with sperm for the IVF process. Sperm freezing in Mumbai can be also an ideal way for male partners to keep their fertility alive at a young age. 

For Egg Freezing – No Active Male Partner is required

In the case of frozen eggs, you don’t need to have an active male partner for that. You can get your partner’s eggs or sperm frozen and get them used later. They can be used as donors to help others in successful IVF procedures. This procedure is an ideal way for those who are at risk of diseases or medical conditions in the future that could cause infertility. Cancer treatment is one such disease that affects the ovaries and causes premature menopause; thus damaging healthy eggs. It is also an ideal way for egg donation in Mumbai to help others in completing their journey of parenthood. Freezing of eggs is also an option during the IVF procedure. You can choose this procedure for future IVF or surrogacy. It is also helpful in case a single cycle fails for pregnancy.

egg freezing clinics in Mumbai

The egg freezing procedure starts with ovarian stimulation followed by egg retrieval and then freezing which is done after 4-5 hours of retrieval procedure.

What are the Early Steps before Starting Egg Freezing?

There are two options, when it comes to egg freezing in Mumbai and the options are – Slow freezing and vitrification. The frozen eggs can be kept for years. The screening process is also followed before the woman goes for it. Before starting the procedure, certain routine tests are done like thyroid profile, hemoglobin, and screening for infections like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.

Find a Recognized Clinic for a Successful Procedure of Egg Freezing

If you have decided to get this procedure done successfully, you have a better opportunity to make your dream come true by visiting a recognized and trusted egg freezing clinic in Mumbai. You have to make a contact as per your requirement for the freezing of your fertility to use later. Charges for the entire process will be reasonable and the egg-freezing charges or total expenses depend on the number of years you want to keep your eggs or sperm frozen. You have to make a contact as per your requirement, join counseling sessions if required, and leave the rest of the work to experts working there.


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