What are Various Emotional Impacts of Male Infertility?

Male infertility comes with its emotional impacts, but you can still opt for the right male infertility treatment with the help of random professionals and support groups. Men frequently find it difficult to express their sadness and melancholy, so their outward reactions may instead take the form of verbal rage, which is a more socially acceptable mode of expression.

male infertility treatment in Mumbai

Still, when a man is diagnosed with male factor infertility, he frequently feels guilty about the condition, especially if it has any connection to an earlier life event. For instance, childhood illnesses, sports-related injuries, and other causes become simple objects of annoyance and rage.

A sense of inadequacy

Many men struggle with feelings of inadequacy when they experience fertility issues. Men frequently believe that being able to get their wives pregnant makes them manlier, despite the fact that these beliefs are unfounded.

When a man has to masturbate into a cup and go through an embarrassing exam to figure out the issue, he feels even more inadequate.

Loss of self-control

Undoubtedly, fertility problems show how little power we actually have over our bodies. This is where Men must experience personal empowerment while undergoing male infertility treatment in Mumbai. It can be unsettling for a man to suddenly realize that he has no control over his ability to procreate.

Advice: Give yourself some time to process your emotions since accepting your reality can take some time.

Failure-related thoughts

Because the survival of the family line and the family name depended on a son, men have long desired to have male heirs. These ideas are still prevalent in many cultures today, which makes a man's struggle harder. Many men, especially those who are "only" sons, have strong emotional connections to the idea of carrying on a genetic line. Not only the inability to pass on the family name, but also the family genes, can be considered infertility.

Many men struggle with abandoned dreams as well. A man who doubts whether he will ever have children must accept the possibility that there will be no heir to uphold the family name. Certainly, men should think about other options, such as adoption, surrogacy, and possibly fertility treatments like IVF lite in Mumbai.


A common reaction to male factor infertility in men is guilt. Men experience guilt because they feel like they are impeding their wives' desire for children. Besides, they know that their wives want children, regardless of whether it’s through fertility preservation via sperm or egg freezing in Mumbai or IVF treatment. Even though you may rationally understand that no one is to blame, the emotions associated with infertility may still be present. Remember that you are in this process together and try to reach out to your partner as much as you can.

Response from the body

When male factor infertility is diagnosed, sexual issues may arise. Loss of desire and erectile dysfunction are both possible. When a man doubts his masculinity, he might worry so much about being able to act like a "man" that it prevents him from getting or keeping an erection.

Moreover, his desire for sex may be diminished by these same worries. Because diagnostic procedures may necessitate "sex on demand," which exacerbates these issues further, IVF or IVF lite treatment may remove the privacy of sex. Your sexual relationship may become less enjoyable and intimate as a result of stress and frustration.

Remember that even if it doesn't result in pregnancy, making love is important to both you and your partner. Ensure your relationship is romantic and intimate.

Relationship breakdown

Marriages can also be in trouble due to male infertility. This is mainly because men frequently feel that they have betrayed their wives. So, the marriage may suffer as a result of the stress. A husband might advise his wife to look for a "real" man who can father the child on his own.

Moreover, small disagreements have a tendency to escalate. In order to prove their masculinity and attractiveness to women, some men might seek sex outside of marriage, which will only make things worse for a couple.

Consider this situation a test for your relationship and look for ways to strengthen it. When you and your partner view the struggle with infertility as a team effort to solve the issue, it can strengthen your relationship.


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