Discussing the Lesser Known Advantages of an IVF Treatment!

IVF is frequently thought of as "the last stop" on the path to infertility in the world of ART. What most people are unaware of is that for many couples who struggle with infertility or for whom traditional conception and pregnancy are not an option, such as same-sex couples or women with infertility diagnoses that make it impossible for the sperm and egg to meet via non-assisted methods, IVF can be the first and most successful option.

Goral Gandhi, one of the most renowned embryologist and IVF expert in India, hereby lists several key benefits of IVF for every child seeking couple or individual around.

Key benefits of IVF treatment

IVF works where other infertility therapies fail

Before reaching the IVF "station," individuals may undergo a variety of reproductive therapies, such as intrauterine insemination, fertility medicines, and more. To save you time and money on fertility treatments that are less likely to be successful, there are some infertility diagnosis that will prompt your doctor to immediately advise IVF.

As per Goral Gandhi IVF, diagnoses for infertility such as blocked fallopian tubes, severe male infertility factor, diminished ovarian reserves, and/or advanced maternal age are among them (typically any woman over the age of 38)

Anyone can opt for it

As per Goral Gandhi Mumbai, In-vitro fertilization can be used by gestational or surrogate carriers in addition to the baby's mother, allowing a wider spectrum of people to become parents and take part in the pregnancy and birth process. This includes, for example, same-sex couples, women who are unable physically to carry a baby to term, and single women.


Goral Gandhi

You can use sperm or eggs from donors

Sometimes a fertility professional will advise using donated sperm or eggs. In certain situations, the egg can be manually fertilized in a medical facility, and the resulting healthy embryo can be utilized for IVF, increasing your chances of becoming pregnant the first time or the second time.

You can manage its timing

IVF is advantageous to patients because it gives them more overall control, especially those who are career-focused or who may have a special life circumstance that affects exactly when they want their baby to be born. Goral Gandhi IVF further says that Cryopreserved eggs or embryos can be used in the futureIVF procedures.

The optimal time to move forward with IVF can then be chosen by selecting a window of time when you wish to become pregnant or when you want your baby to be born. The ideal kid spacing for your family can be achieved with the use of IVF.

Boost your likelihood of having a healthy baby

A sophisticated piece of technology called genetic screening can help you make sure your baby is healthy at birth. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), also known as genetic screening, allows you to make sure that the fetuses utilized in IVF are clear of any genetic defects.

As per Goral Gandhi Mumbai, these are connected to illnesses that pose a serious risk of death, including cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, and Tay Sachs disease. The tests are not performed at random, but rather if the mother, father, or child tests positive for these conditions or if there is a history of serious genetic diseases in the family.

Reduce your risk of miscarriage

Genetic abnormalities are the most frequent reason for miscarriage since they force the body to end the pregnancy on its own. Goral Gandhi IVF adds that mothers have a better chance of enjoying a healthy pregnancy and carrying the baby to term by using PGT to assess the genetic viability of an embryo beforehand.

Boost your chances of getting pregnant

Last but not the least, the success rate for IVF with PGT is the highest compared to all the other assisted reproductive techniques. To improve a woman's chances of fertilization, a healthy pregnancy, and a live birth, several cycles may be employed if necessary.


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