Ectopic Pregnancy : all you need to know about it !

 When a fertilized egg does not implant in the uterus, it triggers a medical complication known as Ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, the egg is supposed to go down your fallopian tubes and embed itself in the uterine wall, where it can begin to develop.

As per famous IVF expert Goral Gandhi, the egg implants in one of the structures along the way in an ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, It can be implanted in the fallopian tube (which is the most common), the ovary, the abdominal cavity, or the lower section of the uterus.

Goral Gandhi IVF affirms that these places are unable to hold a growing embryo or stretch in the same way that a uterus can. This causes bleeding in the pregnant lady, which can progress to rupture, which is a life-threatening condition if not managed.

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms

Early ectopic pregnancy symptoms might be quite similar to those of a normal pregnancy. Such include missing menstruation, breast discomfort, and nausea. Goral Gandhi adds that even though pregnancy test comes out positive, indications of ectopic pregnancy become more obvious as the embryo grows in a confined space.

Light vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain are the first indicators of an ectopic pregnancy. The woman may also have shoulder aches or a strong desire to urinate. The level of discomfort varies depending on where the embryo is put and whether or not it causes internal bleeding.

The fallopian tube or other portions of the embryo may burst as it grows. This may result in severe bleeding, which can induce dizziness, fainting, and shock. As mentioned by Goral Gandhi, Ectopic pregnancy can also cause shoulder pain and rectal pressure. If you suffer any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should see a doctor straight away.

You may have acute lower abdomen discomfort if a tube ruptures. This is a medical emergency, and you should contact your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room right once.

Goral Gandhi IVF says that if you find out you're pregnant and have an IUD (intrauterine device for contraception) or a history of tubal ligation (your tubes being tied by surgery or during a C-section), call your healthcare practitioner right away. In these circumstances, ectopic pregnancy is more common.

What are the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

·         Your doctor will do a series of tests to confirm pregnancy before looking for an ectopic pregnancy. These tests include the following:

·         Urinating on a test strip (usually shaped like a stick) or urinating into a cup in your provider's office and then having a test strip dipped into the urine sample.

·         A blood test may be performed to determine the amount of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your body. During pregnancy, this hormone is created. This is also known as your serum beta-hCG level.

·         An ultrasonography examination entails: Ultrasound is a type of imaging exam that employs sound waves to produce a picture of your body's internal components. During pregnancy, ultrasound is frequently used. This test will be used by your doctor to determine where the fertilized egg has been implanted.

·         A treatment plan will be devised once your provider has confirmed the pregnancy and determined where the fertilized egg has implanted. Ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

·         If your fallopian tube ruptures, you should go to the emergency hospital right away and be treated. There is no time to wait for an appointment in certain situations.


Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy

Goral Gandhi says that in such a situation, the fertilized egg must be removed as soon as possible because it cannot develop normally. The doctor determines the best way to remove the fetus based on the symptoms and the fetus's growth. Medicine, laparoscopic surgery, or abdominal surgery comes as the probable option in this case.


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