Key precautions recommended by Fertility experts post Embryo transfer!


Undergoing an IVf treatment may prove to be pretty stressful for a lot of individuals owing to the plethora of tests and diagnostics one needs to go through during the procedure. Besides, while working with the finest IVF clinic or consultant, you and your partner may have to make a number of decisions together.

Talking about the IVF treatment, the embryo transfer technique bears a key component of the complete interaction. Not only it determines the applicability of the complete infertility therapy for the pair, but shows to be vital in terms of the achievement of pregnancy for the women.

Goral Gandhi, one of the most prominent IVF specialist around, further emphasize on the significance of embryo transfer process in the overall success of the IVF procedure. As per her, while the procedure may not involve any surgery or pain, one has to take care of certain things and aspects, as mentioned below.

Proper Rest

Despite the fact that the majority of the fertility experts across the globe recommend a 30-minute bed rest after the embryo transfer, the patient may go about their everyday activities without any problems. Still she needs to be exceedingly cautious and meticulous about every area of a daily routine and lifestyle.

Goral Gandhi IVF suggests that not only would this allow the individual to prevent any undesired complications , tension or mental disorders at bay, but would also enable her to get the most out of the IVF treatment procedure.

Avoiding rigorous physical activities

Even if the individual is recommended to go on with her everyday routine following the embryo transfer procedure, one nevertheless has to avoid any type of unwanted physical motions or hard core workouts to keep the injuries away. As an alternative, the person can involve herself in light workout sessions or even Yoga.

Goral Gandhi Mumbai states that these precautions may help in the achievement of the desired outcome during the IVF procedure.

Avoiding any type of sexual intercourse

Pregnant women must abstain from sexual activity until the IVf specialist has announced the pregnancy test findings. Since the woman receiving therapy is experiencing expanded ovaries owing to the ovaries stimulation cycle, any undesired sexual intercourse may show to be crucial for health and welfare of the reproductive organs.

As per Goral Gandhi IVF, this is highly critical in accordance to the precautions and suggestions advised by the fertility experts.

Proper dietary Regimen

An IVF patient must maintain a proper dietary regimen, even if it is not been suggested by the fertility experts. Goral Gandhi recommends that the women must do this throughout her therapy. She'll be able to maintain the health of her organs and body as a whole this manner.

To be considered a well-balanced diet, foods such as meat, fruit, vegetable, nut and oil oils must be included. It is fairly vital in order to complete the daily dietary needs of your body on course to obtain the pregnancy.

Beside the food and other things, the individual also has to take care of adequate water intake throughout the day. This is to maintain your body hydrated while promoting appropriate functioning of every bodily organ.

Other key precautions

Apart from all the other measures, the individual is also not encouraged to indulge in activities like going to swimming pool, bath tubs or beaches, as a body may be exposed to every sort of illness and bacteria's.

Goral Gandhi recommends that while going through the procedure, the individual must also take care of her emotional well-being by managing her stress levels. To achieve so, she may immerse herself in some new activities or even chat to her friends or partners on a regular basis.


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