4 of the pre-conception planning tips to make your IVF journey easier

Amidst the rising number of infertility issues amongst couples across the globe, IVF has certainly appeared to be one of their only hopes towards a lifelong solution. Now, being a couple, thinking and planning about IVF treatment is a big step of your life and this is where you got to stay prepared both mentally and physically.

That said, let's take a look at some of the pre-pregnancy planning tips that can make your IVF journey a lot easier.

1. Get your doubts cleared within the fertility expert

So , now as you are prepared for your IVF journey, you must be having a lot of doubts and questions regarding various aspects of an IVF treatment in your mind. Being a couple, you must get them all cleared off within the first point of consultation with the best embryologist in India.

According to Goral Gandhi, Check about the total duration of the IVF treatment, medicines and test required, precautions to take, and lots of other aspects like egg donations services in mumbai. Remember, your fertility expert is the best person to make all those doubts and questions cleared off from your mind as she has been through the right vitrification training in Mumbai.

2. Take care of your health and diet

Even when you are dealing with a fertility expert regarding your IVF treatment, you have to take care of your health and diet in every regard. This must start from a healthy diet that must include all the right amount of proteins, fibers, healthy carbs, and healthy fats in your diet. While you are looking forward to conceiving, taking care of your nutrition must be your top priority.
Secondly, you must also pay attention to your weight and BMI. A healthy weight and BMI ensures that your body would stay deprived of any unwanted health issues that may come up during the IVF treatment.

3. Indulge yourself in some light exercising routine

Besides taking care of your health and diet, you must also put the focus on your exercising routine. By exercising, it doesn’t mean that you are required to do some heavy weight lifting or something like that. Try light exercises or Yoga in order to increase the blood circulation in your body.

Once you will have a healthy mind and physique, there are more chances of you to conceive in the right manner.

4. Get enough sleep

No matter how busy your schedule or daily routine is, you have to ensure at least 6-8 hours of full sleep in order to get the best out of your IVF treatment process. Without it, your body would feel more lethargic and tired and your treatment process may get hampered due to the same.


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