Five Handy Tips to Help You Conceive Without any Health Complications

Every woman dreams about having her own child sometime in the future. Now, even while pregnancy is a natural process, you must plan to abut it in advance to avoid all the unwanted stress and anxiety in the process. Speaking of planning, it's all about preparing yourself physically and, mentally for the whole pregnancy journey while dealing with an IVF trainer in Mumbai.

So, when it comes to preparing yourself for the biggest role of your lifetime, try following these following tips to ease up your pregnancy journey.

TIP 1.

Plan a Preconception Visit

Planning a preconception visit can make you avoid any kind of health complications during your pregnancy like PCOS and Endometriosis. The Gynecologist will not only asses your physical and mental health, but would also suggest certain medicines to help your body prepare for the big journey.

On the other side, a pre-genetic test can also be done in order to check for any kind of genetic issue with a female that can be conveyed to the offspring.

Egg Donor in Mumbai

Tip 2.

Carry a Healthy Weight

While planning your pregnancy, you must carry a healthy BMI and weight in order to ensure the delivery of a healthy child. It has been observed that an underweight woman is more prone to have a low birth weight infant. Similarly, an overweight woman is at high risk of having high blood pressure and other health issues that can impact the health of the future child.

Tip 3.

Focus on Your Health

When we talk about health, you must take both physical and mental health into consideration. Medical specialists have confirmed that women with a healthy body and mind caries higher chances of getting pregnant.

To ensure the same, you must indulge yourself in a healthy dietary and exercising routine that can keep your body and mind healthy for longer periods. Speaking exercising, light exercise and brisk walking can be considered even during the pregnancy period.

Surrogacy Clinic in Mumbai

Tip 4.

Sleep Well

A night of Good sleep brings all the calmness and relaxation to your body and mind. While it's understood that the pregnancy period often brings all the instances like frequent urination and slight discomfort due to baby bump, that can hamper your sleep routine, try going for as much sleep as you can during the pregnancy journey.

Tip 5.

Say no to Caffeine, Alcohol, and Smoking

Although Caffeine can still be consumed in prescribed limitations (200mg/day) before or during the pregnancy period, Alcohol and Smoking is a big ‘No’. Women must understand that consumption of Alcohol and Smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on their pregnancy and the future child

Well, it's not just about the women, and men must also follow the same routine in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy journey for both of them. Also, they might have to deal with an egg donor in Mumbai if the egg quality of the women gets diminished due to same habits.

Other times, there may come a situation where the couples have to opt for surrogacy via best surrogacy clinic in Mumbai.


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