Five Factors to Remember Before Getting Onboard as an Egg Donor

Over the past few years, numerous couples have found a long-awaited solution to their child seeking dreams in the IVF and Egg donation process has certainly played a key role in the same. Egg donation is especially beneficial for those women who couldn’t carry a child with their own eggs due to random physical and mental issues. So, if you are thinking about becoming an egg donor, you must comply with certain pre-requisites to prove your eligibility. Moreover, before getting on board as an egg donor, one must stay aware of the following information in advance.

1. Egg Donation Process

In order to become an egg donor, you may have to get in touch directly with the couples seeking the IVF treatment or an egg donor agency. Moreover, there are three types of egg donation process –known egg donation, Semi-known egg donation, and Anonymous egg donation.

Known egg donation: The Intended parents and the egg donor can meet up with each other during the course of the egg donation process in this type of arrangement.

Semi known egg donation: Limited information would be shared between both the parties within this arrangement.

Anonymous egg donation: Both parties are not permitted to communicate with each other as a part of the signed agreement.

2. An Egg Donor cannot Claim the Born Child

Even though the egg donor has played a key role in the birth of the child by donating her eggs, she doesn’t hold any right on the future child. Most of the Egg donor agencies draft an agreement in the same regard to avoiding any future disputes.

3. The Egg Donor Must be Keen to Help Someone

The egg donor must not be agreeing to donate her eggs due to financial motives and her aim must be to help the couple in their child seeking dreams. While the financial terms can be considered as secondary, the will to help someone has to be the primary objective.

4. Egg Donor Needs to Go through a Proper Health Screening

An Egg donor has to go through a detailed medical screening irrespective of the place or agency she is dealing with. So, even if you are a couple looking for egg donation services in Mumbai or an egg donor that is dealing with a male infertility clinic in Mumbai, you got to go through the whole medical screening process.

5. The Egg Donor must be Willing to Furnish all the Required Details

The egg donor has to furnish all the required details like personal information, medical history, mental health and so on. The information has to be in line with the required details by the egg donor agency and every detail has to be accurate in the same context.


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