What Medical Conditions Can Associate With Male Infertility?

Male infertility can be caused by a list of medical conditions, including renal disease and testicular cancer. Even common fevers and infections, metabolic disorders, and "whole-body" health issues might hinder sperm development. Blocks and scars in the reproductive tract can result from diseases transmitted through intercourse. The vas deferens or seminal vesicles can be lacking due to genetic health issues, such as cystic fibrosis, which prevents sperm from forming in the semen. Infertility is a result of numerous disorders. Your family and personal medical history should be disclosed to your doctor offering male infertility treatment in Mumbai . Can smoking have a bad impact on sperm? Yes. According to research, routine smoking has a variety of effects on sperm. Sperm cells become slower and smaller as a result. Their DNA becomes damaged. Smoking may also have an impact on sperm-filled seminal fluid ejaculated. Can take steroids to increase muscle lead to infertilit...