Big Question: Can you achieve natural pregnancy after a Failed IVF?

IVf is a process that sometimes goes too heavy for the mental health of the couples. Also, with no good outcome towards the end, you may feel sad and baffled with the whole phenomenon. The surrounding pressure and anxiety, alongside the future costs to the treatment majorly contributes to the same situation. This is the place where not many of the couples discover natural origination as a more achievable option. All things considered, the big question here is : is it possible to naturally conceive after a failed IVF ? Goral Gandhi , one of the most prominent fertility experts in India, discusses the same case scenario in a detailed manner. According to her, whether or not a person can conceive naturally after a failed IVF, depends on a lot of aspects. What is the probability of natural conception after a failed IVF? The majority of the couples assume that their choice of choosing IVF has cleared off their odds for a future natural pregnancy. According to Goral Gandhi IVF,...