Embryology vs IVF: is there any key difference between two ?

Quite often a lot of us get confused regarding random terms and phrases related to medical terminology. Embryology and IVf can certainly be considered as two of such terms. Despite having a big difference in their overall application methodology, they are highly perceived as similar elements. Goral Gandhi , who has made some big name in the Embryology world, further puts light on the similar comparison. As per her, Embryology is a key part of ART domain that manages the examination and study of embryos and their development during the IVf treatment. Moreover, the experts that brought through the given duties are known as Embryologist in the clinical terms. Despite the way that the term Embryology is been related predominantly with the investigation and study of the embryos and their growth cycle, an embryologist takes care for a great deal of other arbitrary assignments and duties. According to GoralGandhi IVF , there is a slight distinction between an IVf expert and an emb...