How IVF has proved to be the best hope for all the infertile couples in India?

While India comes over as the second-most the densely populated country around the world, the number of people struggling here with infertility issues is also higher. As per a report released by the Indian society of assisted reproduction; more than 28 million couples are struggling with random infertility issues within their lives. As per Goral Gandhi, one of the most renowned embryologists in the country, every 1 out of 6 couples in the country are facing the same issues in the current scenario. Dr. Goral Gandhi further says that this is where IVF has come up as the only glimmer of hope for all such people. How IVF has helped people around with their infertility issues? Infertility has further brought all the stress and anxiety amongst these couples and this is where IVF has proved to be the only solution in the same regards. Goral Gandhi IVF confirms that with greater innovations in the world of science and medical technology, IVF has brought about a lot of hope in ...